Friday 3 April 2009

Sussi conhelada

At the nite I got deep frozen. The days are getting warmer but the nites seem to get colder and colder which does not make much of the sense to me... The infamous Spanish logics I guess? Was shivering in my bed under 2 light blankets - wearing a very stylish costume including woollen socks, pyjama pants, pyjama shirt, long sleaved t-shirt, fleece jacket and training trousers. Brrrrrr. On the next room the new French guy kept repeating some Spanish tenses all over and all over again and all I wanted was just to be back in Helsinki in my warm, silent bed-sit with my good auld laptop. And with my own bathroom.

The landlady who lives upstairs by the way locked the other bathroom for some mysterious reason so now we got only one toilet and shower for 8 people which is clearly not enough. Soon gonna be really dirty and apart from that will start peeing on the flowers in the garden-ish glasscube in the middle of the house? I've got kinda mixed feelings with all this - maybe getting too old for new strange experiences and should stay home knitting and drinking tea in front of the telly instead of rushing around the Sevillan streets, getting lost twice a day, listening Flamenco and gulping down cheap beer with delicious tapas.

About tapas, yesterday we popped for a caña in the bar Central at Alameda de Hercules and after that got really lost. Found back to our neighbourhood after some desperate circling and had some tapas in one of the bars nearby: goat cheese with honey, fresh bread and potatoes with Rockefort sauce. Nice.

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